Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Food that increases metabolism

We have learned about the metabolism. If not, check on the below link.
Metabolism science
Increasing the metabolism is not a one day process. Stabilizing the metabolism is more important than increasing the metabolism. Including the foods mentioned below into your everyday routine helps to stabilize the metabolism.

i) Water.
70% of the body is water, 20% is protein, and the rest are the carbohydrates, fats and other minerals. The body requires the same set of inputs to stay fit. The metabolism stays stable when the body gets water content in the same proportion.
Warm water heals the ailments in tissues and muscles. It cleanses the blood. Toxic substances flush out of the body through warm water easily.

ii) Ginger.
Ginger is a well-known cooking ingredient all over the world. Adding a small dice of ginger in the form of powder/paste/ juice helps to detox the blood.

iii) Honey.
Honey in warm water eases the muscles. The people involving in workouts can consume honey in little every day. It prevents muscle sore and good for nerves too.

iv) Green tea
Green tea is an excellent detoxifier. Consume a little green tea. Having more than two cups of green tea can turn you anemic. One cup can do wonders on your body.

v) Berries
All kind of berries like strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry regulates the insulin secretion and induces the metabolism functions. It hydrates the skin and adds up glow during fat burning zone.

vi) Spices
Cinnamon, cayenne pepper and other pungent spices increase the metabolism and it produces some heat in the organs which makes burning the calories possible.

vii) Plantain pith
Juice from plantain pith helps to cleanse the kidney. Having plantain pith in the form of juice along buttermilk or soup once in a week increases the metabolism.

viii) Coconut water
Coconut water is an excellent hydrating element, which increases metabolism.

ix) Horse gram
Horse gram increases the body temperature. Regular intake of horse gram powder at least one teaspoon helps in weight loss by increasing the metabolism.

x) flaxseed
Flaxseed is an overall ingredient. Regular addition of flaxseed in the diet improves hair strength and increases the metabolism. intake of 10 grams of flaxseed does wonder on the body.

These ingredients have an incredible effect on metabolism. The regular intake of these food items in small amount improves the metabolism.

The effects of each item may vary on the individual. Sometimes, some of these food items may increase the temperature in the body. It is better to test your body reaction when you add up a food item from the list and check the outcome.